Lead Generation

We are top in our class for lead generation for a reason - we get you seen everywhere! Our system effortlessly puts you in the front of the internet.

Our goal is not only to drive leads to your business, but also save valuable time by having everything streamlined, automated, and simplified!

Lead Generation

We are top in our class for lead generation for a reason - we get you seen everywhere! Our system effortlessly puts you in the front of the internet.

Our goal is not only to drive leads to your business, but also save valuable time by having everything streamlined, automated, and simplified!

Win More Business

Get Found With Reviews

  • Turn customer reviews into your competitive edge.

  • Be the obvious choice on the sites that matter by easily collecting hundreds of customer reviews.

  • Get more customer reviews on

    Google by leveraging Renown's direct integration with Google's private API.

Win More Business

Get Found With Reviews

  • Turn customer reviews into your competitive edge.

  • Be the obvious choice on the sites that matter by easily collecting hundreds of customer reviews.

  • Get more customer reviews on

    Google by leveraging Renown's direct integration with Google's private API.

Get Customer Reviews Automatically

Collecting new reviews has never been easier! PrimeTech sends customers to top review sites to share their feedback.

Access all your customer reviews, from every location, from every source, in one dashboard.

Get Customer Reviews Automatically

Collecting new reviews has never been easier! PrimeTech sends customers to top review sites to share their feedback.

Access all your customer reviews, from every location, from every source, in one dashboard.

Get More Business

Build Professional Sites

  • Our sites builder lets you choose from over 1000 templates.

  • Easily build forms, websites, surveys, funnels, memberships, courses, blogs, and more!

  • With a simplified builder, you'll be able to create a professional site in no time!

Get More Business

Build Professional Sites

  • Our sites builder lets you choose from over 1000 templates.

  • Easily build forms, websites, surveys, funnels, memberships, courses, blogs, and more!

  • With a simplified builder, you'll be able to create a professional site in no time!

Convert website visitors into leads with Webchat

Every conversation starts with a name and a real phone number, so you can

immediately focus on closing the deal instead of fishing for contact details.

Step 1: Customize

Add a personal touch to your chat window by

customizing chat icons, colors, and the greeting, adding names/photos, and letting visitors know who they'll be chatting with.

Step 2: Watch the Leads Flow

Engage your website visitors right when they come in - Livechat makes the conversation real-time.

Using business texting we route messages to their mobile phone, so you never lose them.

Never Lose Another Lead or Customer Again

AI Follow Up

  • Engage callers immediately with auto-missed call text back to keep the conversation alive to never lose business because you were unavailable.

  • Get mobile notifications for every call and text back quickly through the mobile app.

  • Our AI Messaging Bots capture your missed calls and turns them into text conversations, so you can schedule appointments, answer questions, and close deals faster.

Never Lose Another Lead or Customer Again

AI Follow Up

  • Engage callers immediately with auto-missed call text back to keep the conversation alive to never lose business because you were unavailable.

  • Get mobile notifications for every call and text back quickly through the mobile app.

  • Our AI Messaging Bots capture your missed calls and turns them into text conversations, so you can schedule appointments, answer questions, and close deals faster.

34% of callers who hang up won’t call back. Ever.

- Conversational.com

Drive more leads with Listings

PrimeTech gives you tools purpose-built for top-of-page results on Google, Facebook, Bing, and other leading sites.

Higher local SEO ranking

Increased web traffic

Higher lead volume

Get Listed Everywhere

Show up where your customers are searching

Drive more leads with Listings

PrimeTech gives you tools purpose-built for top-of-page results on Google, Facebook, Bing, and other leading sites.

Higher local SEO ranking

Increased web traffic

Higher lead volume

Get Listed Everywhere

Show up where your customers are searching

Customer Experience Done Right

A Flexible Solution With

Lots of Advantages

PrimeTech is the only comprehensive platform for customer experience that offers a range of products that scale with your business. Book a time to chat with one of our specialists to see how our lead generation can help impact your business.

Customer Experience Done Right

A Flexible Solution With

Lots of Advantages

PrimeTech is the only comprehensive platform for customer experience that offers a range of products that scale with your business. Book a time to chat with one of our specialists to see how our lead generation can help impact your business.

Explore a better way to grow

Copyright PrimeTech 2022 -- All Rights Reserved

We’re on a mission to build a better future where technology saves people time and money.